I Tipi di Gioco da Tavolo - Boardgame Types


Boardgame Types Azul
Gamesradar riassume velocemente nell'articolo Types of board games, explained i vari generi di giochi da tavolo, visto che alcuni sono relativamente nuovi e qualche fan potrebbe essere un po' confuso.

Eccoli qui: Abstract strategy (Azul), American-style/'Ameritrash' (Betrayal at the House on the Hill), Area control (Risiko), Auction/bidding (Medici), Bluffing (Skull), City building (Puerto Rico), Cooperative/team (Pandemic), Deck-building (Dominion), Deck construction (Magic: The Gathering), Dexterity (Jungle Speed), Draft (Sushi Go!), Dungeon-crawler (Gloomhaven), Economic (Monopoly), Engine-building (Wingspan), Eurogame/Euro-style (Carcassonne), Investigation (Bureau of Investigation), Legacy/campaign (Pandemic Legacy), Push-your-luck (King of Tokyo), Roll-and-write ( Jurassic World), Social deduction/hidden role (Unfathomable), Trivia (Trivial Pursuit), Wargame (Root), Worker placement (Agricola).

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